Dollar Store Accessory Organization
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Sup, dollfaces?! Today I’m going to show you some “practical chic” ways of organizing your accessories! Specifically, your jewelry, makeup brushes, perfume & lotions bottles, hair ties, bobby pins, qtips.. basically all the teeny-tiny items that you can find in any queen’s self-care inventory.
..the same teeny-tiny items that your homegirl used to misplace on a daily freakin’ basis until I got my shit together.
BEST PART – I’m going to show you how to organize all the aforementioned with DOLLAR STORE MERCHANDISE! 

I don’t know about you ladies, but I loOove going to the dollar store. (Not the imposter dollar stores that claim to be dollar stores, but the LEGIT dollar stores. Where everything is ACTUALLY a dollar. So, I’ll be referring to Dollar Tree throughout this post because that’s what fits this description in my locality.)

Dollar Tree is one of the few places I can head to where I don’t feel “buyer’s shame’ when I exit. Everywhere else, I pretty much feel like I committed a crime when I take my receipt & run to the car. I’m immediately thinking of all the things I COULD’VE spent the money on instead:


Yes, I exit most every other retailer, yelling at my own damn self in my own damn head. It’s a struggle sometimes, because I can be a bitch when I want to be.

Taking a trip to the Tree means I don’t verbally assault myself on the way home, I save some loot, & I come up with a bunch of accessory organization hacks that I can show all of you! I sincerely hope this inspires you to take a trip to YOUR local dollah store & take full advantage!

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gold trinket trayGold Tray Organizer, $1.00 (Dollar Tree) Decorative Acrylic Gemstones, $1.00 (Dollar Tree)
Silver Picture Frame, $1.00 (Dollar Tree)

I’ve said it before in previous posts, but I’ll say it AGAIN; I like sparkly shit. I’m like a parakeet. So, you best believe when I pranced down the aisle & saw this gold tray, I immediately grabbed it for the sole purpose of getting my perfume bottles all in ONE specific area of the house.

Normally, my perfumes are scattered in various locations; there’s some in the bathroom, my purse, my vanity, my car.. so I wind up using whatever I can find first, which isn’t always my first choice. This tray was PERFECT for getting my scents organized, & the gemstone filler satisfied my need to be a little “extra”. They also assist in keeping the glass containers from banging into each other & falling everywhere.. because we all know how perfume bottles come in all types of odd shapes.

..I threw my Mean Girls candle in there too, for added aesthetic. If you’ve seen the movie, you understand.

acrylic organization traysPlastic Storage Trays, $1.00 (Dollar Tree) Ponytail Holders, $1.00 (Dollar Tree)

^^I tried to find the exact storage tray pictured here, but they weren’t available on the Dollar Tree site. That link will lead you to another option with 3 compartments that could easily get the job done for the same price.

I lose ponytail holders & bobby pins like it’s my job. This is why you’ll typically see me adorning a black hair tie on my wrist like it’s a damn fashion statement – because the paranoia of not having it when I need it, is risky business. That’s living life a little too on the edge for me personally.

I used to buy a package of bobby pins (hereinafter referred to as “Robert” pins, because I like sounding a little more formal now & then) WEEKLY, until I got this little storage system because I can keep them SOMEWHAT in order. I swear, I can NEVER find my Robert pins when I’m searching for them.. but I’ll get 3-4 stuck in the vacuum when I clean the house, & in the dryer when I do my laundry. There’s also probably 50-100 of them underneath the driver’s seat in my car.

I also use this storage tray for the OTHER grooming/makeup utensils I lose often; tweezers, nail clippers, qtips, eyeshadow applicators, my eye drops. Not only does this keep shit coordinated, but it keeps me from buying multiples because I think I lost the other one for good. i.e. why I have four pairs of tweezers.. I “lost” the other three. Sigh.

heart trinket trayHeart-shaped glass bowl, $1.00 (Dollar Tree)

**the wooden “LOVE” block was thrift story buy, but Amazon has this one for $15.99

Raise your hand if you lost a pair of earrings this month.
*If your hand is not raised, I strive to be more like you in life.

But for all the ladies who’s hands are up – this adorable heart-shaped bowl might just be the solution to your problems.
I use this for my earrings/earring backs/rings/smaller bracelets. I found the bowl option is better suited for me especially, because when I come home & take my jewelry off, it’s not done so in an “orderly” fashion. I’m usually exhausted & just want to rid myself of all obstructions so I can faceplant in bed. As a result, my earrings get thrown somewhere without the backs attached. BUT NOW – they’re all in this little heart & easily retrievable, instead of haphazardly tossed onto the dresser where they roll off into the great unknown..

never to be seen again.


tiny wooden cratesMini wooden crates, $1.00 (Dollar Tree)


I bought like 10 of them & use them for all types of stuff throughout my house. I painted & used them to store my index cards/pens/school supplies, sugar packets & tea bags in my kitchen, & I used a couple to store my smaller cosmetic bottles.

As you can see, you can fit quite a few bottles into one little crate so it’s an excellent option for your serums & sprays. It’s so much easier for me to locate everything when I need it, and it’s easily returned afterwards. You could use them for nail polish bottles, too!

unicorn trinket traySorry girls, I couldn’t find this on the Dollar Tree website 🙁

I found THIS one for $11.99 on Amazon; a bit more pricey but cute nonetheless!

I couldn’t resist picking up this little trinket bowl; I needed something to safely hold my engagement ring while I shower/paint, & if that wasn’t a good enough reason.. it’s a muhfuckin’ unicorn. That’s explanation enough.

makeup brush bowl small crystalsGlass Floral Bowl, $1.00 (Dollar Tree) Decorative Acrylic Gemstones, $1.00 (Dollar Tree)

**if you like mah lamp, here’s where to get it on Amazon.

Prior to storing my makeup brushes in these cute little floral bowls, they were either lying at the bottom of my purse, vanity drawers, or my dog would occasionally steal a couple & hide them under the couch. I’m not sure of her reasoning for doing this, but yeah. Purse, vanity drawers, & under the couch as per Bruin.

I saw a picture on Pinterest somewhere of the gem-filled bowl option for makeup brushes instead, & I went to Dollar Tree same day to pick up what was needed to make it happen. I not only love this because it looks so much BETTER than just having brushes lying around everywhere, but it actually gives you a better visual of what makeup brush is which. When they’re all the same color & at the bottom of your purse, you’re fishing around for a bit before you find the exact brush you need. When they’re on display, less time is wasted looking for the right tool/getting frustrated when you can’t locate it on the first try.

In summation, it’s pretty to look at & it’s a stress-reducing timesaver. Win-win.

Glass Floral Bowl, $1.00 (Dollar Tree) Diamond Place Card Holders, $15.99 (Amazon)

I actually bought these diamond place card holders on Amazon last year to use as part of my wedding decor.
When they came in, I thought they were kind of small for the place card design I had in mind, so I repurposed
them as bowl filler in two of my makeup brush bowls.

When the bowls are side by side & alternating in crystal size, it looks super gorg. You can totally stick to the
smaller crystals, but I like to provide you with all resources.. especially if you’re extra, like yours truly.

Black Necklace Stand, $8.99 (Amazon)

I know I know, not a dollar store buy – but for $8.99, this necklace stand was a life-changing component to my necklace organization. I was using a different type of stand that was arrow-shaped prior to buying this one, & my necklaces would constantly get tangled. You ever try getting a knot out of a necklace? It’s probably the least enjoyable activity ever.

I wound up buying 3 of these, & each one holds a different color – there’s one for gold, one for silver, & one for statement necklaces. That purchase completely uncomplicated necklace selection for me while keeping them knot-free. Worth every dollah.

So go on with ya bad bitch selves. Hit up the dollar store & reorganize your shit.

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