DIY Flower Wall
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DIY Flower Wall - the prettiest photo backdrop EVER!

flower wall side photo


Today’s post features a DIY project I wanted to do for quite some time.. THE FLOWER WALL PHOTO BACKDROP! I used to see pictures on Pinterest all the time and LOVED how they all looked.. but when I looked into purchasing one, I was mildly horrified. Not only were they waaay out of my price range, but they were also hard to find. Early last week, I stumbled upon a TikTok tutorial on how to make one. The video made it look incredibly easy, & I was highly skeptical.. but not discouraged. 

One of my closest friends, Jessica (who was a bridesmaid in my wedding & a major source of support in my life..& God knows dealing with me is chaotic to say the least) is getting married at the beginning of July. Her bachelorette party was this past weekend, & I thought the flower wall would make an awesome backdrop for her final send-off before entering the wife life. In true Hope fashion, I planned out a project with only a few days to get it perfect… but, for Jess, I was going to make it happen. She’s the only woman I’d EVER build a wall of flowers for. 



1.) PEGBOARD –  I purchased this kit (containing two 24 x 42 inch boards) on Amazon, but Home Depot/Lowes usually carries singular boards also. The Home Depot closest to me was completely sold out. Pegboard is awesome because you can use the holes as a grid for the flowers, & with a peg hook you can hang a sign or other decor on it.

2.) WIRE CUTTER – this is a necessary purchase ONLY IF you need to cut stems off of faux floral, otherwise skip it. I wound up utilizing this for the dollar store flowers & thankfully I did, otherwise I would’ve lost my shit.



3.) E600 GLUE – You can find this at Walmart for like $4, I’m not sure why Amazon has it listed for double the price. If this adhesive isn’t available, you can use basically any super glue as long as it goes on clear, dries clear, & it’s the GEL kind. Liquid is risky business in this instance.

4.) FLOWERS FOR DAYS – I bought these rose heads on Amazon once before (for my wedding decor) & they’re perfect for a project like this. They’re foam, but they hold up extremely well. The only problem I ran into was the fact that I ran out of them & re-ordering them would’ve taken more time than I had available. I wound up going to Michael’s for the big flowers, & I mixed in some Dollar Tree flowers to cover some empty spots & for the bottom of the board. While taking a trip to Michael’s is optional, I highly suggest utilizing your local dollar store for “filler” flowers; if you find yourself with some sparse areas, you can fill them in without spending a fortune.


5.) NEON SIGN *OPTIONAL* – If I hadn’t decided to construct the wall on a whim, I would’ve ordered a personalized neon sign with my friend’s future last name. This was the perfect alternative, by the power of Amazon Prime! The sign came with hooks & a chain to attach to said sign, & I used a pegboard hook to hang it to the top left corner.

6.)  PEGBOARD HOOK *OPTIONAL* – I used a hook very similar to this one that I bought from Dollar Tree to hang the sign from. The hook stayed in place through the entire project as well as transport which was a win!

*Before you get started, I would suggest putting a drop cloth/cardboard/something you don’t mind getting super glue on underneath the boards while you’re working, so you don’t glue the board to the floor unintentionally. I also recommend using gloves so you don’t glue your hand/fingers to anything, because Lord knows I’ve been close to doing just that.

Once your workspace is set up, place the flowers in the area of the board that you want them in prior to putting glue on them. This way you’ll have a general idea of what things will look like, & you can switch it up if you don’t like it. I was using various colors on mine so I didn’t really follow a specific pattern; if you want a uniform design, definitely place them beforehand.

I put glue on the bottom of each flower head & put them on each hole first. Then, using the wire cutter, I cut the heads off the Dollar Tree flowers & glued them into the spaces between (more so on the bottom & sides). Once the glue dried, I went back & kind of fluffed each flower so everything looked full. I definitely underestimated how many flowers & how much glue I was going to need, as I wound up having to make several trips back for more.. that was is the only reason why it took more than a day to complete. Realistically, depending on the size of your flower wall, you should finish it within a day.

finished flower wall


If you decide to go with the neon sign, I would suggest also purchasing an extension USB cord like this one – if you’re going to be bringing this beauty to a party or a location that doesn’t have an outlet right next to where you set it up, the extension will ensure you can reach the closest one.

For transporting the wall (this process may be different for you depending on what size wall you’re moving!) I placed loose foam board on top of the side with the flowers for protection, put each pegboard in a contractor bag, & placed them on their sides in my back seat. I had a 45-minute commute to where I needed to go, & nothing was damaged in transit!

jess and i in front of the flower wall

The bride & I posing in front of the finished product. How AWESOME is that for a backdrop?! 

If you decide to construct your own flower wall, send/tag me in your results!


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